Learn Adobe Xd for Graphics Design in Pakistan

Top Courses & Academies

Bantva Memon Jamat Digital Education
  • on-campus
  • diploma

Bantva Memon Jamat Digital Education

Bantva Memon Digital Education empowers Pakistani youth with four intensive and affordable on-campus IT courses in Karachi.

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DigiSkills Free Online Training Program
  • online
  • government

DigiSkills Free Online Training Program in Pakistan

Largest training program in Pakistan offers Free online training courses with certificates in freelancing skills to seize opportunities in the digital economy.

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e-Rozgaar - Freelancing Training Program
  • free
  • government

e-Rozgaar - Freelancing Training Program

The e-Rozgaar program helps young people learn freelancing skills online, so they can make money from home. It's run by the Punjab government to support youth employment.

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